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GDKids is one of the best early childhood education programs to develop children’s language proficiency. GDKids has a massive and comprehensive learning system to help children learn every day. Each lesson lasts around 3-5 minutes, and children can learn one or more lessons each day. No preparation required for parents. It is time – saving, effective and fun.

The curriculum in each language includes topics, phonics, sight words and interactive games, which guides your little child through learning individual words, phrases to completing sentences along with a wide range of phonics rules. Children can simultaneously learn how to pronounce properly, how to combine tones to form words, how to recognize whole words, and how to apply recently learned words to a particular context.

Not only can your children improve their vocabulary and their pronunciation but they will also be enriched with encyclopedic knowledge. Our program covers 75 kid-friendly topics such as animals, actions, body parts, things at home, occupations and so on. Moreover, GDKids allows parents to add other topics to its program by creating new courses so the knowledge is unlimited.

We have a huge multimedia library with more than 6000 images and 1000 interactive videos that are used to illustrate all words and sentences. GDKids also provides a collection of diverse interactive games and star stickers after each lesson that can definitely attract and inspire children to enjoy studying and playing with the program.

GDKids is proudly considered one of the most comprehensive programs for any parents who wants to involve in early childhood education.

- Multiple languages supported
- 250 lessons in total
- 1500 categorized words and phrases
- 3000 images and 1000 videos
- Study management
- Personalized lessons
- Interactive educational games
- Multiple profiles supported
- No advertising, pop-up ads, or links to other sites


About Us
GDKids has been developed by GDKids Vietnam Company. As we are pioneers of early childhood education in Asia Pacific, our motto is “Your baby is a genius.” We believe that education should be joyful and engaging. We have helped millions of parents succeed in teaching kids at home with early childhood education methods.

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